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BETTY BOOP HAS PUPPIES!Our Betty Boop (CH Betty Boop Anima Canis) has delivered a litter on 21 November 2013! There are six puppies in the litter, two boys and four girls. The Sire is a French male Cyriague du Bois de Saint-Cyr, a nice pied Frenchie of Cotation 5 (more about the unique French system of cotations HERE). He was born and lives in the prestigeous French kennel Du Bois de Saint-Cyr near to Paris. Among others, Cyriague is father of Flavius du Bois de Saint-Cyr, the Junior World Winner 2011. For more information, please click HERE. Pedigree of the litter ibid or also HERE. click here |
PUPPIES AWAITED • All Our "Girls" Are PregnantPregnancy was confirmed by USG - by Adela on Friday, by Hébé and Betty Boop two weeks ago. The delivery is expected on about 23 November, in case of Adelka ar the end of first week in December. Click HERE for more informations. click here |
Duo CACIB Praha • A Dry Run for European Dog Show 2014However the final rehearsal for the European Dog Show 2014 will be the February show in Brno, double show in Praha was also a kind of dry run for this prestigeous international event. Almost 3500 dogs competed in Prague each day. Number of French bulldogs wasn't surprisingly high. Nocturne Mer Aglaos, a male of J. Kreplová, won both BOB and CACIB titles on Saturday. Queen Elisabeth Bohemia Hapet of H. Petrová was awarded Res. CACIB in females. Sunday was a one-female-show of K. Pejšová. Her male Eagle-Eyed Flat Devils won both CACIB and BOB, while her multichampion Best Looking Flat Devils has got CACIB in females. Our Hébé is pregnant and so she left at home. Horus probably became afraid of his high responsibility and refused to pose on the table in both days, what eliminated any hope for his good placement. click here |
IDS Č. Budějovice • A Successful Day for Anima CanisFrench bulldogs were judged by Mr. Antonín Karban in Č. Budějovice. Titles Best of Breed (BOB) and CACIB were taken by fawn-pied male Eagle-Eyed Flat Devils of K. Pejšová. Res. CACIB was awarded to Nocturne Mer Aglaos of J. Kreplová, who placed the 2nd in the same class. Our Horus placed 4th in Intermediate Class. Two females bred in our kennel competed for CACIB after all. We were very happy of both - champion Dalila Anima Canis won CACIB, our "home" girl Hébé Anima Canis has got the reserve title. click here |
Club Show of the MSBMKSeventy nine Frenchies had been entered in the MSBMK Club Show 2013 in Brno. Club Winners 2013 became male Nocturne Mer Aglaos of J. Kreplová and female Queen Elisabeth Bohemia Hapet of H. Petrová. Our twins, Horus and Hébé, competed with moderate success beeing valuated excellent but without title. Consequently, they both passed succesfully the Breeding Suitability Test and were approved for breeding. click here |
NDS Klatovy • Ring Debut of Hébé and Horus Anima CanisOur juniors Hébé and Horus debuted in the ring at the NDS in Klatovy. Both were quite successful: Hébé won the Intermediate Class and got CAC; Horus placed the second and received Res. CAC. Consequently, Hébé succumbed to champion Best Looking Flat Devils of Kateřina Pejšová in fight for the National Winner title. In dogs, the same title was awarded to another Frenchie of the same owner, Eagle-Eyed Flat Devils. French bulldogs were fairly judged by Mrs. Vladimíra Tichá. Our debuting juniors were chaperoned by their mother, multichampion Betty Boop Anima Canis. click here |
CZECH CHAMPION Title for Dalila Anima Canis!Dalila met the last requirement to be awarded this title at Easter International Dog Show in České Budějovice. The CMKU was quick and so Dalila already has it confirmed in black and white: She is a new Czech Champion. Congratulations both to her and her owner Martina Saulichova (Alsamar Kennel)!![]() |
Easter 2013. Be happy!![]() |
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