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WE HAVE PUPPIES! Litter H!Our Betty - MultiCH BETTY BOOP Anima Canis - gave birth to her first litter tonight. The Sire is MultiCH VICKING du Fiacre de Montparnasse, a wonderful pied male living in Switzerland, among others father of World Winner 2011, female Louise-Marie de el Mencey Loco. Photos and other information of the whole litter, hopefully interesting from breeder's point of view as well, are available also in section Offsprings - Litter H, personal pages of puppies here: Horus, Héra, Hébé, Héraklés. Videos can be watched here: Horus, Hébé, Héra, both females HERE and HERE, the whole litter HERE, HERE and HERE. For further info about parents, their siblings and other offsprings please click here |
CZECH GRAND CHAMPION for Blackie Anima Canis!Blackie, sister of our Betty Boop, continues succesfully her show carrier. She added Czech Grand Champion title to Czech Champion and Club Champion ones just today. Congratulations both to Blackie and her owner Jana (Jantos Gold Kennel)!![]() |
French Bulldog RescueALL FRENCHIES FOUND NEW HOMES!!! Info at visitors, allow me to turn your attention to a "pack" of six homeless Frenchies without pedigree. They were taken away from a multiplier 2 months ago. All were in serious danger of death but now they are treated and slowly recovering. Frenchies are actually placed in a dog-shelter in Sedliště near to Frýdek-Místek (North Moravia, CZ). Full recovery won't be easy but it's going on Frenchie rescue! Website of the dog-shelter with detailed informaton is HERE. Phone is +420 777 103 234, e-mail click here |
Puppy • Fleur Noire Available AgainOur gamesome brindle cookie FLEUR NOIRE Anima Canis is available again. Her daddy is CH Fozzy v.d. Mestreechteneerkes, mom CH Adela Anima Canis. She was born on 13 March 2011 in Litter F, has an excellent pedigree and three siblings, who already long live in their new homes. Fleur had to heal a small superfitial corneal trauma, fortunately without any aftermaths or scars. She loves plays in pack and grasps to became its important member. However glad i'd like to enlarge my pack of Frenchies, I can't do it now and so I had to find a new home for our joyful Fleur as well. click here |
IDS M. Boleslav, CZ • A French ViewFrench bulldogs were judged by a French, Mr. Jean-Claude Klein, in pleasant summer Mladá Boleslav on 28 Aug 2011. It might be reason of few surprises we faced there. J.-C. Klein preferred better smaller or medium-sized Frenchies and was highly concerned in eye and nail colors. He wasn't very much interested in ticking, distribution of white or pigmentation of head by pied dogs, however surprising it might be just by a French judge. click here |
DuoDanube Bratislava, SK • Two CACIBs for Betty BoopOverwhelming majority of Frenchies, who met and competed at the sultry racecourse in Bratislava-Petrzalka on 20-21 Aug 2011, came from the Czech and Slovak Republics. The only exceptions were Petra Kemetzhofer, an Austrian lady, and Michal Tarapacz, who came with three Frenchies from Poland. Our Daddy's Boy and Dalila (M. Saulichová) performed only in-and-outer but the shining star was our Betty Boop, who won CACIBs in both days. Moreover, she met the last requirement to be awarded the Slovak Champion title already by getting the first CAC on Saturday! click here |
World Dog Show and Championship of France 2011, Paris, F • Daddy's Boy Passed with HonorsThe attendance at a World Dog Show held in France, country of breed origin, is the same dream and holy duty for a French bulldog breeder as the once-in-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca for a Muslim believer. That's why we didn't vacillate for a long time and set out for Paris with Daddy's Boy in the beginning of July. The World Dog Show 2011 and the Championship of France 2011, the most prestigeous annual dog show in France, were simultaneously held just there on 07-10 July 2011. click here |
IDS Brno, CZ • Both CACIB and BOB for Daddy's Boy!Summer show in Brno was an average one as regards number of entered Frenchies but their quality was quite good. We had no big expectations but our Daddy's Boy surprisingly took the fancy of Slovak judge Milan Biroš. He successfully competed with Edgar iz Palevyh Buldogov (H. Pešátová) just in Intermediate Class and later with Art Lemako (I. Hamanová) and even with phenomenal A'Vigdors Don de la Nature (J. Matuška) in the contest for CACIB. At the end, he even overmatched promising male Store Linde's Kleos le Regal (J. Kreplová)and nice female Lara Croft Action Alet (A. Tvrzová) in the fight for the Best of Breed (BOB) title!![]() |
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