World Dog Show and Championship of France 2011, Paris, F • Daddy's Boy Passed with Honors
The attendance at a World Dog Show held in France, country of breed origin, is the same dream and holy duty for a French bulldog breeder as the once-in-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca for a Muslim believer. That's why we didn't vacillate for a long time and set out for Paris with
Daddy's Boy in the beginning of July. The World Dog Show 2011 and the Championship of France 2011, the most prestigious annual dog show in France, were simultaneously held just there on 07-10 July 2011.
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CRIME SCENE: VILLEPINTE • The sky was somewhat cloudy in Paris, sun appeared time to time, rain-showers occasionally as well. Days were warm but not hot. An ideal summer weather for French bulldogs. Both shows were held in spacious halls of the fairground Parc des Expositions in Villepinte, the north-east suburb of Paris, closed to Charles de Gaule Airport - the Championship of France in mornings, the World Dog Show in afternoons and alone on Sunday. Frenchies came to rings on Saturday and Sunday, 09 and 10 July 2011. French organizers were nonchalant, some of them speaking English, French solely in critical situations.

Parking sites were large, parking-machines worked right, no queues came up upon arrivals; some parking sites but were lap of way from show halls. Chips were controlled on entrance, not-shown dogs were in troubles. Ring dislocation wasn't printed in catalogues; information panels were small and sunken. High hanged 3D ring numbers looked like a part of sponsor's posters and so exhibitors often strayed in low-lighted halls. Young staff in info-center friendly referred to the only one Show Office placed in opposite corner of the ample show-area. Many dogs were misslisted and so the Show Office became a place of stressing situations time to time, above all if the officer just in your queue was speaking only French.

Show rings were large, squared by four, lined by chairs for visitors, with enough free place around. Plenty of empty cages were disposable (for free) in halls for dogs of exhibitors coming without their own pet-home. Commercial exhibitors offered almost everything you might need for your dogs in their stands. Only Royal Canin, the French national pet-food producer, was offering it's hospitality and refreshment to loyal customers but no goods to exhibitors directly at the show. No bags for excrements were given out and there was a critical lack of waste baskets or containers in the whole fairground. Rare pet-toilets with raspings remained underused, while all lawns and communications were covered by excrements, often churned up by cars, and their smell was ubiquitous. It's a pity, if the basic impression from the show of more sensitive participants was the olfactory one.
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IN THE RING • French bulldogs were judged in three rings at Saturday Championship and even in four ones at Sunday WDS. Each of shown dogs has got a commemorative medal and a diploma with inscribed qualification, placement and title, if any. No detailed judgments were issued, dogs attending such kind of shows were supposed to know well all their virtues and faults.

This system saved time but caused problems to ring staff as well. Correct recording of qualifications and placements was troublesome, above all if judged dogs left immediately the ring. Some shifts in classes and/or colors were probably not caught properly as well and so official results (see are still incomplete even seven weeks after the show. I had a chance to snap the official judge's record after the Championship of France and I'm afraid total completion won't be easy: some placements and titles are simply missing in this form. A good example may be pied male Fulky di San Biagio della Cima (L. Sosnová), who became the Best Puppy (Meilleur Puppy) on Saturday but is still listed as absent fawn in official results. In results of the WDS (4th in Puppy Class), he isn't listed at all (status to the date of 29 Aug 2011).
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JUDGES • Three judges were judging the Championship of France, even four the WDS. Each of them had to judge about 90 Frenchies on Saturday, due to absence they judged "only" from 65 to 79 dogs. Sunday range, except of Puppy Class, was from 92 to 126 Frenchies per judge, the real number varied from 79 to 110. Judging wasn't definitively easy. In convenience with French rules, each color (brindle, fawn and pied) was judged separately but fair choice of four nicest individuals from twenty or more ones in class is a stumper even for a highly experienced judge. There were only small differences in severity - in total, 76 % of judged Frenchies were awarded excellent qualification (79 % on Sat, 74 % on Sun) and 22 % very good one (19 % and 24 %). The "strictest" judges were Ms. Sylvia Desserne on Saturday (69 % of excellents) and Ms. Tatjana Urek on Sunday (72 % of excellents). Differences in distribution of titles were more interesting. Both Mr. François Istas on Saturday and Ms. Tatjana Urek on Sunday awarded all CACS titles to Open Class winners and RCACS titles to Intermediate Class ones, while Mr. Christian Karcher awarded all CACS and RCACS titles to Frenchies competing in Open Class on Sunday: CACS to these who placed 1st and RCACS to these who placed 2nd. In both days, 11 CACSs were awarded to Frenchies from Open Class and only 1 to a Frenchie from Intermediate Class. The RCACS titles were split by 6 in both classes.
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FRENCHIES • Elegant, muscular but not very robust Frenchies were most successful in Paris but the average level of all shown dogs was well balanced both in type and particular marks. However glad I'd like to disaffirm, I must admit the average quality of shown Frenchies was higher when compared with this we're used to see at local shows in the whole Central Europe. The most plenteous French bulldogs of French origin were - except of Junior Class - not very successful in title collection but they importantly increased the average quality of shown dogs. Essential faults weren't in play, the combat was struck, above all in brindle and pied dogs, in much more delicate details. In numbers, 281 Frenchies were entered for the Championship of France and even 371 for the WDS; 211 (75 %) and 300 (81 %) of them were really judged. Rate of males and females was almost balanced (51 % and 49 %) but more females were absent. About one half of Frenchies were brindle; number of fawns was surprisingly slightly higher than this of pieds. It might be interesting that the share of pieds was higher in males than in females. More than one half of Frenchies entered both shows, of course. In total, we could see 349 unique French bulldogs of 235 unique owners in Paris; 186 of them were males, 163 females; 180 were brindle, 92 fawn and 77 pied.
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WHERE THEY CAME FROM • French bulldogs from 22 countries were entered for the Championship of France and even from 32 ones for the WDS; finally only Frenchies from 21 and 25 states were present. The overwhelming majority came from European countries. The only exceptions were Frenchies from far Japan (2 on Sat, 4 on Sun) and not so far Morocco.

Entered dogs from the USA, Argentina and Venezuela didn't come at all, what's unfortunately valid for Austria and Slovakia as well. Country with the highest absence was Italy, together only one half of entered Frenchies came to both shows. The highest number of Frenchies was shown by French owners, of course - 102 (49 %) at the Championship of France and 105 (36 %) at the WDS. The second numerous group of dogs came with Spanish owners - 24 (11 %) on Saturday and even 43 (15 %) on Sunday. The third most populous "pack" came from Russia (19 and 26 Frenchies), the fourth from Netherlands (12 and 23). Other countries with 10 or more present dogs at the WDS were Italy, Belgium and Denmark. The Czech Republic was represented by 4 Frenchies of 3 owners on Saturday and by 6 Frenchies of 5 owners on Sunday.
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ORIGIN OF WINNERS • World winners come from Latvia and Spain but absolutely most successful at both shows were Frenchies born in Russia. From 49 class winners, 13 (27 %) were born in Russian kennels. Frenchies of Russian origin were awarded 5-times CACS (42 %) and 4-times RCACS (33 %). French bulldogs born in Latvia, Netherlands and Spain won by 2 CACSs. The last from 12 CACS titles was awarded to a Frenchie of Brazilian origin. Remaining RCACS titles won 2 Frenchies born in Netherlands and - by one - in Belgium, Denmark and Spain. Frenchies of French origin won 8 classes but finally had to take up with only 2 RCACS titles. On the other hand, 3 of them became the Best Juniors (Meilleur Jeune) and so we can strongly believe in their hopeful future.
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CHAMPIONSHIP OF FRANCE 2011, 09.07.2011 • Championship of France was - to some level - a kind of "measured training" and mutual "check of the power" for favorites of upcoming Sunday WDS. Frenchies of French origin were successful above all in Junior Class - 4 of 6 winners were of French origin and 2 even became Best Juniors (Meilleur Jeune). Pied male DEIMOS DU BOIS DE SAINT-CYR in Champion Class and fawn female ELBA DOUCE DES MERVEILLES DE TREMARD in Intermediate Class were the only 2 Frenchies of French origin among 18 adult class winners but both didn't succeed in fight for CACS or RCACS titles, even not by French judges, Mr. François Istas and Ms. Sylvie Desserne.
Half of all titles were awarded to Frenchies born in Russia, who gained 3 CACSs and 3 RCACSs. Male RENUAR BURZHUA BRUNO and female DASHIN DOM RASSVETNAJA ZWEZDA won CACS in brindles, male WUM V.D. MESTREECHTENEERKES and female BUTSEFAL TERRI FOR PALEVYH BULDOGOV in fawns and male A'VIGDORS CHAMPAGNE PETILLANT and female LOUISE-MARIE DE EL MENCEY LOCO in pieds. The last named comes from Spain but is the only winner living in France - by Mrs. and Mr. Bossis. Only one of CACS-keepers, WUM V.D. MESTREECHTENEERKES, competed in Intermediate Class, all other 5 in Open Class. Brindle male RENUAR BURZHUA BRUNO of the Latvian breeder Ludmila Ferubko was awarded the Best of Breed (BOB) title at the end.
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WORLD DOG SHOW 2011, 10.07.2011 • Six of Sunday adult class winners were of Russian origin, 4 were born in Netherlands, 2 in Denmark, by one in Belgium, Brazilia, Italy, Latvia, Norway and Spain. Pied male ETHEL DE LA COMBE D'OPALE was the only adult class winner of French origin. CACSs were awarded to brindle male RENUAR BURZHUA BRUNO and brindle female ABIGEIL BLECKBERRI FOR FRENCH MIRACL, in fawns to male FADEL SLAVIERO BULL and female C'EST LA VIE VAN HET BULLENPARADIJS and in pied to the couple A'VIGDORS CHAMPAGNE PETILLANT and LOUISE-MARIE DE EL MENCEY LOCO. All 6 CACS-keepers competed in Open Class. Both following fights were in spotlight of all visitors and exhibitors. In very tough competition, the CACIB and World Winner titles were finally awarded to the pied female LOUISE-MARIE DE EL MENCEY LOCO (Mrs. and Mr. Bossis) and the brindle male RENUAR BURZHUA BRUNO (L. Ferubko). Renuar Burzhua Bruno later repeated his Saturday success and became the Best of Breed (BOB). Both Junior World Winners are pied - French male FLAVIUS DU BOIS DE SAINT-CYR (Ms. O. Bernard) and Danish female HOLLEUFER'S HYACINT DA REVOLTINA (Mr. D. Holleufer).
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CZECH FOOTPRINT • French bulldogs of Czech owners didn't enter into fights for most prestigeous titles but they represented our country honourably and had better luck than for example pied male MEXX ZE SKRZATLANDU (B. Kalinska), World Winner 2009 from Bratislava, who was qualified only very good at the WDS. The only title awarded to Frenchies of Czech owners has got the pied male FULKY DI SAN BIAGIO DELLA CIMA (L. Sosnová), who became the Best Puppy (Meilleur Puppy) on Saturday; on Sunday, he placed the 4th in Puppy Class. The most successful adult Frenchie was pied male CRAZY FEELING DIONISIO (L. Sosnová), who placed the 2nd in Champion Class at both shows. Brindle male A'VIGDORS DON DE LA NATURE (J. Matuška), who hardly finds equipollent competitor at our domestic shows, was twice qualified excellent without placement. The same qualification was awarded to pied male DIPLOMATE-AMBASSADEUR OF GYPSY THE DOG AT GOLDEN EYES (L. Kaska) and brindle male GAIUS POTALA DALAJLAMA (T. Pchálek) shown only at Sunday WDS. Our fawn male
DADDY'S BOY OF ANIMA CANIS placed the 4th in Intermediate Class on Saturday and was qualified excellent without placement on Sunday.
DADDY'S BOY and his brindle nephew
ESTOM ANIMA CANIS, who appeared in Junior Class only on Saturday, were the only Frenchies of Czech origin shown in Paris.
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TECHNICAL NOTES • National titles, i.e. CACS and RCACS, were awarded in accordance with French Show Rules (click
HERE for details). CACS may be awarded to one of Intermediate and Open Class winners (with qualification Excellent 1) of each color (brindle, fawn and pied); remaining class winner and the dog with qualification Excellent 2 from CACS-keeper's class are competing for RCACS. Dogs from Champion Class aren't involved. In total, 3 CACS and 3 RCACS may be awarded at each show. Order of adult classes was as follows: Intermediate Class, Open Class, fight for CACS, Champion Class, fight for CACIB (only at WDS), fight for BOB.
I apologize for low quality of some photos. Rings were large, halls were low-lighted and it wasn't easy to make good snaps with non-professional technique.
Frenchies were shown in more rings and I was showing self as well. That's why I made snaps only of adult males (Intermediate, Open and Champion Class). In case you're interested in photos of females, juniors or puppies, I strongly believe you'll find them at another websites.
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